Long Riding, Long Thinking…

An impulsive travel story

2 min readFeb 19, 2024

Hello! Me again! I am glad to be back, done my routine here before 7am. I was travelling last week, and it was not an usual travel. I did long riding to the nearest beach in my town. And it is my first time doing bikepacking. I never think to do this kind of trip but in the end, I did it!

I enjoy the ride, in the first two days. But after that I felt like exhausted. What made me so tired is because I think too much. But next time, I should be better ini packing. I am a frequent traveller, but not a frequent bike traveller. My bags were too heavy to carry, and sometimes drop my motivation to finish the journey. At least I have gained the experiences for doing this in my life. Still not sure If I will continue the journey next time, to the other destination. Just let see…

So, here is me, strike a strange pose in the highest point of Habibie Peak. Not so beautiful of me, but the view is! I have ever heard of this place because of the extreme hill and you just imagine how hard to reach the peak with those heavy bags in back. Finally I did it, even I am not fully ride my bike, mostly I just push my bike to the top because I am just less motivated to kill the hill. I think next time I should write my experience in fully…but I am afraid to promise myself or anyone.

Times almost up! I need to take care my kitchen, tidy-ing up my room before sit down again to finish my essays. Wish me a huge luck today and finish my essays smoothly.

